Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Big Thank You!

Thank you to all 10 TEENs that attended the Butterfly Pavilion Training this past Saturday! I hope to see you all in yellow shirts soon!

Also, thank you to Aija, Monica, Diego, Alexander and Marcus for volunteering at the Butterfly Exploration Station this past weekend. There was rain, wind and flying canopies but you did a wonderful job!

The Spring Butterfly Pavilion opens Saturday, March 5th!

Congrats Anna!

The winner of the free Teen Glass Class ticket is Anna M. Thank you again, to all the TEENs that took the online survey. This survey provides essential data for evaluation and analysis of the TEEN Volunteer Program at the Desert Botanical Garden. Your responses also help us adequately document our program’s impact with teens and in the community for donor reports and future funding requests.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Welcome new TEEN Volunteers! TEENs - please make sure to say hi if you see them around the Garden volunteering.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Adopt-a-Park TEEN video blog

Saturday, February 5th

Service Learning Project

Thank you to Alexander, Maddie, Taylor, Matt, and Marcus that participated at last Saturday's adopt-a-park Service Learning Project. You did a great job filling in holes, picking up trash, raking, weeding, rescuing lizards, and having fun! You really made a positive difference for everyone that uses the trail.

Please look for future adopt-a-park events this year!

Friday, February 4, 2011

So many choices!

Let's decide what to plant in the Pumpkin Patch Garden.

You can email Jeni with any requests or to view the discussion already in progress, please follow this link to the TEEN's facebook page.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Weather Alert!

TEENs - curious about the Garden's current weather?

Check out the current conditions before you start your shift or just for fun.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Feeling artistic?

TEENs - join the competition and create a Doodle 4 Google and enter in the chance to have your drawing on Google's homepage for a day!

This year's theme is "What I'd like to do someday..."

For more details or to register, follow this link! http://www.google.com/doodle4google/

Good luck!


The 1st Service Learning Project for the TEEN's adopt-a-park is coming up!

If you are a TEEN with more than 25 service hours, contact Jeni for details or to sign up.

Gardening in January

Thank you to Monica, Ernesto, Diego, Taylor, Alexander, Marcus, and Alejandra for all of your hard work tending the Pumpkin Patch Garden last Sunday!

You did an amazing job and the beds are ready for a Spring planting! The transplants are doing well and enjoying the shade in the TEEN Garden.

Watch out for gardening shifts this Spring!