Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Monsoon Gardening

Thank you to all the TEENs who helped tend the Pumpkin Patch Garden!

Kaela, Katie, Miette, Julia, Raven, Marcus, Alexander S., Tom, Erica, Taylor, Maddy S., Izzy L., Kaija, Tyler, and Beto!

You did a wonderful job and the Garden is looking great! I went out to the patch this morning and there are squash seedlings, healthy corn, and tons of mung bean sprouts! The irrigation is working well too!

Enjoy the photos and thank you again!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Watermelon & Removing Compost Adventure

Last Saturday, TEENs Kaela, Julia, Kaija, Marcus, Katie, and Alexander removed years worth of failed compost from behind the classrooms and built their own, desert adapted composter.
TEENs also explored the pumpkin patch garden and picked a watermelon, only to find it already belonged in the new composter.

Each of these TEENs will be here this weekend, along with others to tend the pumpkin patch garden and get it ready for this fall's Great Pumpkin Festival.

Excellent work TEENs!