Today was a day for ( gross ) odd jobs. Everything from building wooden puzzles to decorating offices! Bri was VERY proud of herself because she completed an entire dinosaur model by herself ( and she only broke about 8 nails! ). Marcus also put together a wooden penguin in NO time. Later in the day Alex, Bri and Marcus had to clean the Etnobotany fridge ( ewwwwwwwwww! ) it wasn't that bad until we discovered the dead animals that looked like something out of a Horror Movie! We also went to Tempe Town Market Place on a feild trip to go and get crikets for Eco Camp. It was fun and on the way home we discussed how excited "the teens" will be when we can drive ( look out world! ) We thought that today couldn't get any more strange, but it did when Tina Wilson, Acting Director of Education, asked us to help her rearrange/decorate her office. That task involved three feather boas, two bookshelves, one HEAVY wardrobe, and three creative imaginations! Anyway today was...interesting.
Posted By: Bri ( TEEN )